A True Natural Scientist
“I discovered the life works of Viktor Schauberger in late 1994. I instantly knew Viktor’s life work would fuel and direct my life’s work. All that was available to me at the time was the little book “Living Water” by Olaf Alexanderson, an introduction to Viktor’s life work. Now their are books that explain his natural science in terms of biology, mathematics and physics. Its my hope and intention in presenting this information that water professionals discover that modern water science and modern water technologies do not have all the answers and to study these important natural scientist for the necessary answer to today’s problems.” Nevin Eckert, May 15th, 2024.
Victor Schauberger was from a 400 year old family of forest custodians. At age 15 he was put in charge of 10’s of thousands of acres in what is now Upper Austria, he became known through out the early part of the 20th century as the “Water Wizard”. It was Schauberger’s early outspokenness in the 20’s and 30’s that prompted the formation of the “Green Party” in Germany, remaining widely unknown still, your reading this now makes it hopeful that someday soon this information will be widely known.
Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) had a deep understanding of the role of the Divine in Nature’s evolutionary process. He regarded water as a sacred organism. He made an extraordinary contribution to knowledge of the natural world, intuiting what we now recognize as the quantum or subtle energy effects of water. His understanding was built up from shamanic and experiential observation of Nature in the untamed Alpine wilderness. His motto: “Comprehend and Copy Nature”. He was critical of textbook theory and the arrogance and lack of imagination of ‘experts’ and refused to go to college, believing that he would lose his intuitive gifts.
Let’s be inspired to restoring the earth to the pristine state that it once was.
"Comprehend and Copy Nature”
Viktor Schauberger
Schauberger was gifted with engineering skills which are apparent in his environment-friendly technology and implosive energy devices designed to release people from enslavement to destructive sources of energy found throughout our modern technologies. He is celebrated for his discoveries in the water sciences, in agricultural techniques and in the energy domain – which were founded in his understandings of implosion. Schauberger provides us with a comprehensive, through and holistic approach to understanding Nature. His insights form the foundations of what might be called a ‘science of Nature’. He found two forms of motion in Nature: outward, expanding flow that is used to break down, and inward spiraling which Nature uses to build up and energize. These forms of motion are commonly refereed to as implosion and explosion. Implosion of life and explosion of death.
Modern technological systems use explosive forces to generate energy, which is why it pollutes so much and is so destructive to the environment. Minute changes in temperature affect the outcome of an energetic process. The balance between the attraction and repulsion of polarized atoms is the engine of creation.

A Great Pioneering Mind and Indomitable Spirt

The following article is part 1 of a 3 part article, it was written by Callum Coates in 1996 and copied with permission from Nexus Magazine.
Throughout recorded history, humanity has been periodically uplifted by the contributions of a few gifted and enlightened individuals whose teachings and philosophy have gradually raised the level of human awareness — the Buddha, Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed being the most familiar examples of how a single individual can produce far-reaching changes in the consciousness of humanity. Lesser mortals have also played a vital role in this process, and the seeding of human consciousness with higher truths always seems to come at a time when humankind as a whole is ready to receive them.
It is sometimes said that these great teachers, themselves ardent students of Nature and the Divine, lived ahead of their time. At first view this would appear to be true, but on further reflection it becomes apparent that they lived precisely when they should have, for otherwise they could not have provided the vision or the direction necessary for humanity’s upward evolution and progress. In most instances a signpost is long forgotten and unheeded if it lies behind, and to be of any use it must of necessity stand out ahead in order to indicate the new way. Many such human signposts have punctuated the passage of humanity’s progress, but have received recognition for their great contribution only long after their own passing.
These exceptional individuals are indeed visionaries in the truest sense of the word, for they are endowed with a far higher sense of perception than their contemporaries. For their work, an enormous dedication and courage is necessary. Historically—and Viktor Schauberger was no exception—the lives such individuals have led have been dogged with confrontation, difficulty, doubt and the great loneliness of the pathfinder, or the individual who stands alone far out in front on evolution’s upward way.
As pioneers, apart from breaking new ground they also suffer great adversity in their encounters with the powerful opposition of those whose interests and beliefs are rigidly immured in the current status quo. Such great leading lights come to mind as Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei who devoted their whole lives to the understanding of the universe and the raising of human consciousness. In the main they were only permitted a view into their Promised Land, a vista over the unfolding of their life’s work, but almost without exception had to forgo the passage into the new and the reaping of the fruits of their travails. Denied any recognition for their contribution, their end was often clothed in misery and penury, as though the gods would exact from them the very last ounce of personal surrender. Many of these enlightened individuals died alone, unloved, unwanted and unsung. Kepler was reduced to total insolvency and, although he was owed a considerable sum for his services by the Duke of Regensburg, he died a pauper and was buried in a common grave outside hallowed ground, for he, like his contemporary Galileo, had dared to question the authority of the Church. To this day, no one knows where Kepler’s body lies. He, too, had had a vision, and, through his meticulous study of the movement of the planets, produced his great work, Harmonices Mundi (“The Harmonies of the World”). Having finally completed it in 1618, he dedicated it to James I of England, declaring that now that he had discovered the harmonious qualities and proportions of all things, there would no longer be the need for human conflict. Kepler’s opus had barely been published when the Thirty Years’ War broke out, thoroughly obscuring and interring all his endeavors. This happened as a result of the so-called “Defenestration of Prague” in which, on 21st May 1618, the envoys of the Austrian Kaiser were hurled from the windows of the Great Hall.
Mozart, who took music, its resonances and harmonies to new heights, also suffered a similar fate: oblivion at the age of 35 and burial in a common grave. Max Planck, the great physicist who brought an end to the purely materialistic world view of the late 19th century with his quantum theory in December 1900, was another who, bereft of adequate clothing, food or other means of support, died alone in extreme poverty and cold.
Naturally he made many enemies in the process, but on the other hand a certain balance was achieved by a very few encouraging and loyal friends such as Prof. Philipp Forchheimer, an hydrologist of world repute. Another was Prof. Werner Zimmermann, a Swiss, who published articles by Viktor in his ecologically oriented magazine, T a u, between 1935 and 1937. Werner Zimmermann frequently entered the lists in Viktor’s defiance against the narrow-minded, self-interested attacks of academia and entrenched bureaucracy which on occasion were very intense. More often than not, Viktor’s discoveries totally contradicted established theory, and in their flawless functioning and practical implementation seriously threatened the credibility and reputation of scientist and bureaucrat alike. There are many more such individuals who have given themselves wholly to the betterment of their fellow human beings.
Without exception, they were endowed with extraordinary perceptive and intuitive abilities which afforded them fresh insights into the way in which the world functioned, enabling them to understand phenomena hitherto inexplicable to their contemporaries. They were aware of another dimension of reality, that ‘dimension of comprehension’ which makes sense of the whole—just as the third dimension makes a two-dimensional world understandable. Some of these great teachers were born with this ability, while others fought long and hard external and personal battles to acquire it, their struggles fraught with hardship and ridden with disappointment. Often assailed by doubt, they nevertheless courageously persevered, urged ever onward to finish the task they had set themselves to complete. If ever there was a true exponent of the person described in Rudyard Kipling’s poem, If 1, it was Viktor Schauberger. He was one of those rare human beings, those explorers in human thought and endeavor, whose chosen path was to throw light on the future. It is therefore inevitable that he, too, will eventually take his place amongst the ranks of these exalted, self-sacrificing beings. In the years to come he will be acknowledged as one of the principal guiding spirits of the 21st century and beyond, who brought about a fundamental shift of Copernican proportions in humankind’s appreciation of Nature and natural energies. There can be very few of his contemporaries whose comprehension of the sublime energetic inter-dependencies, upon which life at all its levels is founded, was so profound. Nor, apparently, has any other person had Viktor’s deep understanding of that living substance so vital to all life processes—water, which he viewed as the blood of Mother Earth—for, like James Lovelock, the originator of the Gaia hypothesis 2, Viktor too saw the whole Earth as an organism and expressed this view in his early writings of the 1930s.
"Our work is the embodiment of our will. The spiritual manifestation of this work is its effect."
Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger was born on 30th June 1885 in the parish of Ulrichsberg in Upper Austria. He was descended from a long line of foresters who had devoted their whole lives to the natural management and administration of the forest — a dedication mirrored in their family motto, Fidus in silvis silentibus (“Faith in the silent forests”). With this as his background, and much against his father’s will but with the support of his mother, at the age of 18 he flatly refused to follow in the footsteps of his two elder brothers and attend university, having seen how it had affected his brothers’ thinking.
Apart from his earnest desire to become a forester, the main reason for his refusal was that he did not wish to have his natural way of thinking corrupted by people he considered totally alienated to Nature. He did not want to be forced to see things through other jaundiced eyes, but through his own. For, as he later wrote; “The only possible outcome of the purely categorizing compartmentality, thrust upon us at school, is the loss of our creativity. People are losing their individuality, their ability to see things as they really are and thereby their connection with Nature. They are fast approaching a state of equilibrium impossible in nature, which must force them into a total economic collapse, for no stable system of equilibrium exists. Therefore the principles upon which our actions are founded are invalid because they operate within parameters that do not exist. Our work is the embodiment of our will. The spiritual manifestation of this work is its effect. When such work is done properly it brings happiness, but when carried out incorrectly it assuredly brings misery.”
Taking his mother’s advice and following his natural instincts, Viktor became a junior forest-warden, spending the next few years often in areas of remote forest. There he was able to perceive movements of energy and natural phenomena in Nature’s own laboratory, because in Austria in the early part of this century, circa 1900-1915, there were large tracts of forest still untouched by human hand.
After the 1914-1918 war, in which he was wounded, Viktor returned to forestry, eventually entering the employ of Prince Adolph zu Schaumburg- Lippe, the owner of a large hunting and forestry reserve in Steyrling. In these districts there had been no interference in the balance of Nature, and Viktor was thus able to observe events that are today inconceivable and which no longer take place because of the enormous deterioration of the environment. It was here that he acquired the insights into the natural movement of water that resulted in the building of his first log flume.
Here, too, he first became aware of other levitation energies inherent in water, for one day in the middle of a very cold winter, as he was about to cross over a fast-flowing mountain stream, he flushed a stationary trout from its lair as he sought a firm hold for his staff on the stream bed. Its lightning flash upstream immediately caused a number of questions to race through his mind:
“How did the trout actually manage to get to this spot—and later I saw dozens of them in the same stream—which was cut off by a 60-metre-high waterfall about a kilometre downstream where the water was atomized into a veil of mist? How was it able to flee upstream like a streak of greased lightning in mockery of all the laws of gravity? How was it possible for this fish to stand so motionlessly, only steering itself with slight movements of its tail-fins, in this wildly torrential flow, which made my staff shake so much that I could hardly hang onto it? What forces enabled the trout to overcome its own body-weight so effortlessly and quickly and at the same time overcome the specific weight of the heavy water flowing against it? Why didn’t the water freeze even during periods of severe frost with temperatures below -30°C?”
"I came to realize that running water attracts our consciousness like a magnet and draws a small part of it along in its wake."
Viktor Schauberger
While Viktor undoubtedly had a special talent for observation, a penetrating power of perception undimmed by preconceptions, he also developed what might be called an active consciousness, an ability to go beyond the merely visual in search of what lay behind a given phenomenon. This taught him a great deal, and how this ability gradually evolved he explained as follows: “The Schaubergers’ principal preoccupation was directed towards the conservation of the forest and wild game, and even in earliest youth his fondest desire was to understand Nature, and through such understanding to come closer to the truth; a truth that I was unable to discover either at school or in church. In this quest I was thus drawn time and time again up into the forest. I could sit for hours on end and watch the water flowing by without ever becoming tired or bored. At the time I was still unaware that in water the greatest secret lay hidden. Nor did I know that water was the carrier of life or the source of what we call consciousness. Without any preconceptions, I simply let my gaze fall on the water as it flowed past. It was only years later that I came to realize that running water attracts our consciousness like a magnet and draws a small part of it along in its wake. It is a force that can act so powerfully that one temporarily loses one’s consciousness and involuntarily falls asleep.”

“As time passed I began to play a game with water’s secret powers. I surrendered my so-called free consciousness and allowed the water to take possession of it for a while. Little by little this game turned into a profoundly earnest endeavor, because I realized that one could detach one’s own consciousness from the body and attach it to that of the water. When my own consciousness was eventually returned to me, then the water’s most deeply concealed psyche often revealed the most extraordinary things to me. As a result of this investigation, a researcher was born who could dispatch his consciousness on a voyage of discovery, as it were. In this way I was able to experience things that had escaped other people’s notice, because they were unaware that a human being is able to send forth his free consciousness into those places the eyes cannot see. By practicing this blindfolded vision, I eventually developed a bond with mysterious Nature, whose essential being I then slowly learned to perceive and understand.”
It [the 6th function] is the one in which the initiate is given the power of sending his intellect or conscious mind right away from his body, directing it to any part of the material earth he desires it to visit, and then recalling it still conscious of all that it has seen. Truly the intellect, or that part of life that sees and records its observations, can and does leave the body and travel great distances, observe detail at those distances and return, giving to the mind as a whole an accurate picture of where it has been and what it has seen. This function occurs at the immeasurable will and is preceded by a short, deep meditation. These perceptions of truth presented Viktor with considerable problems in translating them into everyday language, for when it comes to transferring spiritual ideas into mundane word-pictures—regrettably still the only means of human communication—enormous difficulties are encountered due to the limitation of language. While all languages are in a constant state of evolution or devolution, the words and terminology at any given moment are a reflection of the current state of conceptual awareness. Thus, for someone who is ‘ahead’ of his time, generally speaking, the conceptual framework of language does not necessarily extend to the clear and unequivocal explanation of new concepts for which new acceptable words may have to be coined.
Download Callum Coats 3 part article on the life of Viktor Schauberger
Schauberger Videos
Viktor Schauberger – Comprehend and Copy Nature
A film by Franz Fitzke
The first film about Viktor Schauberger’s life’s work. A comprehensive survey of historical facts, current research and various practical applications into both technology and the natural world.
Viktor Schauberger: Secrets Of Water
A fascinating exploration of the groundbreaking discoveries and mind-blowing uses of waters secret qualities. Understand why vortexing water may be so beneficial to your health. An excellent documentary on the genius of Viktor Schaubeger and his son, Walter Schauberger who spent their life researching and utilizing waters hidden qualities.
Further Reading
Living Water
Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy
Author: Olof Alexandersson
Viktor Schauberger’s Brilliant Works with Natural Energies Explained
Author: Callum Coats
The Eco-technologies Series Translated by Calum Coats
Volume 1:
The Water Wizard
The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water
Author: Viktor Schauberger
Volume 2:
Nature as Teacher
New Principles in the Working of Nature
Author: Viktor Schauberger
Volume 3:
The Fertile Earth
Nature’s Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilization and Forestry
Author: Viktor Schauberger
Volume 4:
The Energy Evolution
Harnessing Free Energy From Nature
Author: Viktor Schauberger
Hidden Nature
The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger
Author: Alick Bartolomew