Dear Friends,
What lifestyle choices can we make as preventive medicine for optimal health? I see a missing link, as there is so much consciousness around alternative health, wellness, spirituality, yoga, organic food, veganism, raw food and superfoods, and yet so little is considered about the quality of the water we consume on a daily basis.
I have been researching water, personal health and working inside the water technology industry for almost 30 years. My passion has been helping people to explore their potential for health, vitality and longevity by curing themselves of sub clinical dehydration.
I believe the root cause of many of our common everyday ailments such as headaches, body aches and pains, weakened immunity and sleep disorders contributes to what medical professionals call chronic low-grade dehydration or sub-clinical dehydration. The body adapts to this state of sub-clinical dehydration contributing to a foundation for disease and premature aging. We are generations of people who have lost track of our inherent genetic potential of health and longevity, accepting disease and premature aging as something we are supposed to experience when it’s actually the furthest thing from the truth.
Effective hydration and eliminating toxic exposure are essential issues when considering the quality of water we drink on a daily basis. It is becoming common knowledge how toxic most tap water has become, and awareness is growing about the fact that many bottled waters are potentially just as toxic as some tap waters and cannot be trusted. Not to mention the use of plastic bottles with their harmful effect on our environment.
A common issue for many is drinking water that does not quench ones thirst. Ancient knowledge and modern science are now merging to make known that quality of water facilitates deep cellular hydration. Being responsible for our environment and taking control of one’s daily drinking water needs at home, is the sustainable and most healthy option, providing us what we really need – safe and healthy water.

Understanding Cellular Hydration
Proper hydration is crucial in almost all biological process. From controlling the body’s metabolism, to regulating blood pressure, to the body’s ability to eliminate waste on a cellular level, optimal health requires proper hydration.

“My philosophy and approach to water is based on the understanding that when water is in its purest form and at its highest quality, it is a living substance endowed with the physical and energetic qualities inherently necessary to nourish a living organism on all levels.”
Nevin Eckert

What is Living Water
Purification of waters physical properties is extremely important, but it is only PART of the process necessary in creating a superior drinking water. Once water has been physically purified, it is crucial that it is transformed and revitalized into a “True Spring Water Quality.” The concept of addressing the energetic quality of water is relatively new. Many people don’t realize that we are constantly energetically effecting our bodies through the fluids we drink. By design, the body has the ability to be nourished both physically and energetically – but unfortunately, due to processing, packaging, and delivery methods, the fluids we consume are energetically dead and laced with harmful information.
Ancient water wisdom’s acknowledge water as a sacred living substance, recognizing its ability to energetically sustain and nurture all life.

Why is the quality of water we drink so important? Above are four methods of photography which make water’s energetic quality visible and shows how water can be transformed into living water. Ancient water wisdom acknowledges…
What is a TrueSpring
The Very Best Drinking Water For Our Health

Truespring water is the very best for drinking, but how is it made? Truespring water is birthed, matured and energetically enlivened within its journey of the full hydrological cycle, emerging to the surface ready to nourish and support LIFE to the highest levels.
Important Resources
A documentary that exposes the truth behind the bottled water industry
“The Great Culling”
A documentary that Exposes the truth behind the fluoridation of our tap water
Why Alkaline Water is a Myth
A word about alkaline water and alkaline water machines
We can now create the natural phenomena of “Living Water” in your home or business!

Part of my quest as a researcher has been to discover the very best drinking water system in the world, one that can make a high quality spring water. Unfortunately to this day, there has been no such single best drinking water system. This has led me to identify the need for a custom drinking water system solution, configured with state of the art components, that can PURIFY AND TRANSFORM any water – from well water to the nastiest city water.
After all these years of researching available water technologies, I am excited to have identified this very best equipment. This custom configured system creates the highest quality drinking water, which possesses a medicinal spring water quality and has therapeutic properties, providing water with superior cellular hydrating abilities, a water better than any filtered or bottled water available today.
With the formation of TrueSpring, Water Quality Solutions, LLC, people all over the world can naturally achieve deep cellular hydration with our custom configured drinking water system that mimics mother nature’s true spring water quality.
Our custom drinking water system clients include:
- Health geeks, health professionals, people who believe in preventive medicine and people who have a passion for pushing the envelope of their personal health.
- People who understand that deep cellular hydration is a very important part of achieving their greatest potential of health and vitality.
- People who want the very best equipment available in the world.
- People who relate to water as a sacred living substance.
Check out our latest Client Installations
The TrueSpring Custom Drinking Water System
This system is a very wise investment for the health of you and your family.

The TrueSpring Base Drinking Water System is comprised of:
- The Aqualite Purification component
- With the Tensui Transformation component
With 40 years of researching the most effective water treatment methods of carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, and deionization have been scientifically combined —resulting in extraordinary pure water of the AquaLite Water Purification System.
The Patented Reverse Osmosis Deionization Process of the Aqualite system provides water that is salt free and eliminates nitrates, heavy metals, fluoride, pharmaceutical residues, chemicals, pesticides, viruses and disease causing waterborne micro-oganisms. The Patented IQ-EMP Selectronic Memory Panel is light years ahead of the industry providing illuminating LED self-diagnostics of the AquaLite water purification procedures, for the best taste in life. The Aqualite was awarded the best drinking water purification system in the USA and UK in 2020 by Build Magazine in their Recycling and Waste Management Awards.
The AquaLite purification component utilizes three mechanisms to purify water:
- Pre-filter, requires annual replacement.
- Deionization Module, requires annual replacement.
- Reverse Osmosis membrane, requires replacement once every three years.
The AquaLite is sold with 2 sets of annual replacement cartridges (1 & 2), so when you purchase the system you have cartridges needed for 3 years of service. Purchase of replacement cartridges are for 3 year intervals.
The Tensui “Water from Heaven” water transformation system mimics the journey water takes from deep in the earth up to its surface, where it emerges ripe, mature and full of life.
The Tensui utilizes semiprecious stones and rare minerals from Japan to process water into a “TrueSpring” water quality. With the Tensui, water is naturally ionized, alkalized and mineralized with nano size traces of calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, vanadium and negative ions, all highly absorbable to the body’s cells. The Tensui feeds/ripens water physically and energetically, making it able to nourish our body and soul.
Because of the special media used in the Tensui, the water obtains bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties. Natural physicians in Japan have been prescribing water of this type to their patients for many years with amazing results.
Whole House and Commercial Tensui Systems are available and customizable to meet your specific water needs and budget. Imagine bathing in Tensui water or having Tensui water in your hot tub, food production or agricultural operations!
Follow the links below to get started:
TrueSpring Add-on Components
Equipment for the Enlivenment of Drinking Water
TrueSpring recommends the following equipment options to enhance the bio energetic quality of your drinking water. These components can be added after a TrueSpring Base Drinking Water System is installed.

The AcquaPhi from Italy energizes and implodes water as it flows through a Golden Mean of Fibonacci Spirals generating a powerful vortexing action of the water. The egg shaped housing is made with resonate metta materials and functions as a cosmic antenna to implode water as its being vortexed.

In addition to structuring / energizing water in multiple ways, the UMH also vortexes water with Sacred Geometry enhancing its entrainment or energy transfer process. Every measurement in these beautifully constructed devices are designed to evoke the energy of the Cosmos.

The UMH Mineralizer increases the pH of the water and enriches it with natural calcium, magnesium and another 70 trace elements. This significantly improves the energizing capacity and, above all, the cell availability of the treated water.

The basic principle of the VitaVortex is based on centrifugal force. The VitaVortex with its delicate vortex-chamber-architecture provides a higher flow rate of water in the micro vortex range. By changing the vortex geometries the water tastes even finer and softer.

Adds pharmaceutical grade calcium to your drinking water.
A great compliment for your drinking water system.

Not sure which Aquadea product you wanted here… Ad eius debitis eligendi eos. Et eam adipisci qualisque, eos offendit expetenda neglegentur at, vel ad prompta quaeque ocurreret. Purto tota senserit no nam! Est eu regione placerat!
Do you want to taste the difference of TrueSpring water? Comes in a reusable glass bottle. Just pay shipping.