About TrueSpring
Inspiring the True Potential of Water Health and Consciousness
TrueSpring’s philosophy and approach to water is based on the understanding that when water is in its purest form and at its highest quality, it is a living substance endowed with the physical and energetic qualities inherently necessary to nourish a living organism on all levels.
From my study of a school of Natural Science in Austria, I know the very best water for our health is Spring Water, and yet all springs are not of an equal quality.
Among Earth’s many naturally occurring water sources are ‘truesprings’ and ‘seepage springs’, with truespring water being the very best water for drinking. Seepage springs simply seep downward until hitting impenetrable rock strata, at which point they seep back to the surface, never coming close to the deep layers of the Earth. Truespring water, however, travels the complete hydrological cycle from high in the atmosphere, down to the deep molten layers where it is purified and reborn, and back up through the mineral and stone layers feeding and maturing the water before it emerges at the surface of the Earth. It is purified and fortified within its journey of the full hydrological cycle, ready to nourish and support LIFE to the highest levels.
Purification of waters physical properties is extremely important, but it is only PART of the process necessary in creating a superior drinking water. Once water has been physically purified, it is crucial that it is transformed and revitalized into a truespring water quality. The concept of addressing the energetic quality of water is relatively new. Many people don’t realize that we are constantly energetically effecting our bodies through the fluids we drink. By design, the body has the ability to be nourished both physically and energetically – but unfortunately, due to processing, packaging, and delivery methods, the fluids we consume are energetically dead and laced with harmful information.
The Energetic Quality of Water
Water is considered a “living substance” when it is in its most pristine state
Ancient water wisdom’s acknowledge water as a sacred living substance, recognizing its ability to energetically sustain and nurture all life. Below are four methods of photography which make water’s energetic quality visible and shows how water can be transformed into possessing vibrant energy.