Floating Islands

floating island

Floating Treatment Wetlands

Inspired by Nature for Nature

BioHaven® floating islands are biomimetic, self-sustaining floating treatment wetlands that are designed to remove excess nutrients and other contaminants from lakes, streams and wastewater lagoons. The islands typically use a combination of microbial (bacteria and algae) and plant growth to effectively take up, precipitate and/or filter nutrients and other pollutants from water. FII has patented both Leviathan™ (forced circulation) and BioHaven® (natural flow) treatment systems.

Floating Island in City
Floating Island walkway

Duplicating nature’s processes to achieve impeccable water stewardship for the benefit of the environment.

BioHaven® Floating Islands are designed to leverage the natural processes of microbes and plants. These man-made wetlands create a sustainable ecosystem for better water quality and a diverse habitat for pollinators, wildlife, and fish. The islands are covered with plants that grow roots below the islands. They “biomimic” natural floating islands to create a “concentrated” wetland effect. These floating man-made wetlands harness natural processes to filter and digest excess nutrients and organic solids from impaired water. They help improve the ecosystem both above and below the water line.

Mature Floating Island
Floating Islands

Floating Islands are:

Made primarily from recycled materials, and have been proven to restore habitat and water quality without the use of any chemicals.

Can be built to fit a small backyard pond, a large lake, or a container garden, as well as houseboat garden designs.

Can be launched in shallow or deep water, and can support terrestrial, non-terrestrial, and even edible plants.

Are backed by years of research, and have been used by BASS Federation, U.S. Dept. of Forestry, ACEO and more.

Are affordable, low-maintenance, and simple to install.

Specially designed islands have been installed to provide strategic, protective, spawning beds for bass and other fish whose natural habitats have been damaged.

Trout sheltering under floating island

Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem

BioHaven® Floating Islands are designed to leverage the natural processes of microbes and plants. These man-made wetlands create a sustainable ecosystem for better water quality and a diverse habitat for pollinators, wildlife, and fish. The islands are covered with plants that grow roots below the islands. They “biomimic” natural floating islands to create a “concentrated” wetland effect. These floating man-made wetlands harness natural processes to filter and digest excess nutrients and organic solids from impaired water. They help improve the ecosystem both above and below the water line.

Here's How it Works...

BioHaven® islands are constructed of durable, non-toxic post-consumer plastics and form the matrix,” of our proprietary blend of fibers. The unique design means that 250 square feet of island translates to an acre’s worth of wetland surface area!

Like natural wetlands, BioHavens® offer “augmented surface area.” This unique design is within the “matrix,” our proprietary blend of fibers which are used to create the BioHaven®. The matrix is important and serves many different functions including water cleansing, as well as extensive root growth on planted islands.


Microbes start the feeding frenzy and create a residue known as BioFilm. BioFilm is what some of us would look at as the nasty slimy stuff under the islands – it’s usually caught in the roots of the plants. The BioHaven® matrix serves as somewhat of a housing unit for all of these microbes…they live in the matrix and feed off of many of the nutrients in the water.

Duckweed and algae are a few common problems with waterways, lakes, and ponds, they also feed off of excess nutrients (the same source that microbes eat). The more nutrients that duckweed & algae consume, the more of it you will have in your pond. By creating more microbes, you will eventually starve the algae of its main food source. Microbes in the form of biofilm are the biggest factors in removing nutrients from the water.

Leviathan™ Treatment Wetland

Floating Island International offers a variety of products incorporating patented BioHaven® technology, none more powerful than the Leviathan. Leviathan integrates high-volume, low-head circulation with matrix surface area for maximum wetland performance. Its efficient air-driven directional diffuser draws in and aerates in excess of ten thousand gallons of water per minute, pushing it through the BioHaven® matrix and plant roots.

A key innovation is the floating streambed, which contributes to the aeration and nutrient uptake. In a standard Leviathan configuration, nutrients and contaminants are exposed to over 1,000,000 square feet of sticky, biofilm-laden surface area; however, Leviathan is scalable. In fact, those now being designed are large enough to circulate up to 10,000 gallons of water every minute. This makes Leviathan floating treatment wetlands the most promising biological tool for lake restoration and cleaning up the damage caused by oil spills and other man-made and natural disasters.

Leviathan floating treatment wetlands can be complemented with conventional BioHaven® floating islands, optimizing the opportunity to provide a landscaped habitat for fish and wildlife while cleaning polluted water.

Independently Representing Floating Island International®

To Find Out More about BioHaven® Floating Islands

Contact Water Quality Specialist, Nevin Eckert

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Nevin Eckert

Nevin Eckert

Water Quality Specialist

My intention is to help people achieve their greatest potential of health and vitality through deep cellular hydration and an all natural, holistic approach.

Nevin Eckert

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