The Importance of Purifying Your Shower Water

Clean shower water is much more important than you may think. Each day a person drinks about 1-2 gallons of water… but exposes one’s self to 25 gallons of water when showering. The American Journal of Public Health determined that up to two-thirds of harmful chlorine exposure can be due to skin absorption and inhalation while showering. The Journal also links chlorine to “significant increases in certain types of cancer, asthma and skin irritations…” and stated that “up to two-thirds of the harmful exposure was due to skin absorption and inhalation of chlorine in shower water”. The steam inhaled during a shower can contain up to 20 times the concentration of chlorine (and other synthetic chemicals) as tap water. One can absorb as many toxins in 1 shower as you would drinking tap water for an entire week. Studies show that after a 10-minute shower in chlorinated water, your blood levels of THMs (common disinfection byproduct – DBP) can potentially increase by as much as 700%.

How can your exposure to chlorine and its associated DBPs be higher when you shower. Why doesn’t the chlorinated water just bounce off your body?

Simply a hot shower causes the pores of your skin to open, which in turn elevates the absorption rate of chlorine and other chemicals directly into your system and causes the body to directly absorb foreign chemicals into your body tissues and bloodstream. Not to mention the fact that chlorine strips the natural protective oils from skin, causing excessive drying. Different from drinking un-purfied water where your digestive system has the ability to filter out some of the harmful contaminants, in the shower, these contaminates are directly absorbed into the bloodstream..

Absorbing and inhaling chlorine and associated DBPs are not healthy for you or your family. Long-term health risks certainly can spike due to chlorine effects on your bodily functions.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – When chlorine vaporizes in steam in your shower, it converts to chloroform gas. Chloroform can be a strong respiratory irritant and cause fatigue.

The bottom line – When absorbed or inhaled into your body, chlorine DBPs can potentially cause a weakening of your immune system… disruptions to your central nervous system… damaging effects to your cardio system… unhealthy functioning of your renal system… and harmful impacts to your respiratory system.

Shower filtration is one of the best and easiest ways to reduce our harmful exposure to chlorine and other tap water contaminants. If you’re not already filtering your shower water, you should be. Its very important to one’s health to have a high quality filter and to be changing the cartridges on a regular basis.

Most people know not to drink tap water, but what they fail to realize is that showering in unfiltered water is 10 times worse than drinking it!

Chlorine in Tap Water

  • More chlorine enters the body through skin absorption and inhalation while showering than through drinking tap water. Tap water often contains more chlorine than is recommended for swimming pools.
  • The EPA has stated that every household in the US has elevated levels of chloroform in the air from chlorine released from the shower. 
  • Because of chlorine, showering in tap water has harsh, drying effects on skin and hair and contributes to pre-mature aging.
  • Skin pores widen while showering, making skin more absorbent of chlorine.
  • The chlorine in showering water can cause rashes and other skin irritations when absorbed by the skin and lead to skin problems like eczema.
  • Chemicals in showering water vaporize at a much faster rate than the actual water. Thus, the steam in a shower contains a much higher concentration of chemicals than the water itself.
  • Inhaled chemicals make their way into the bloodstream quicker than ingested chemicals, without the added filtration benefits of digestion.
  • More water contaminants are released into the air of a home from the shower than from any other source.
  • Chlorine is a suspected cause of breast cancer. Women suffering from breast cancer are all found to have 50-60% more chlorine in their breast tissue than healthy women.

TrueSpring offers one of the very best shower filters available on the market to today. Many companies use carbon and just 2 ounces of KDF. Our Ultimate Dual Shower filter with it’s twin filtering power is filled with more than 30 ounces of KDF55 and KDF85 combined, SIR 900 for fluoride reduction and centaur for chloramine removal, which makes this the most powerful shower filter ever made. It removes chlorine, chloramine, reduce fluoride, pharmaceutical and pesticide residues, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

Combined with the round UMH Energizer creates the TrueSpring Ultimate Double  Shower System.

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Nevin Eckert

Nevin Eckert

Water Quality Specialist

My intention is to help people achieve their greatest potential of health and vitality through deep cellular hydration and an all natural, holistic approach.

Nevin Eckert

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