
The VitaVortex fitting is a final process that flows water through a Schauberger inspired vortex chamber inducing a micro-vortexing action increasing dissolved oxygen. As water exits vortex chamber it flows over the nexus pin which is made of amethyst crystal. From Switzerland and includes a faucet.

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The basic principle of the VitaVortex is based on centrifugal force. The water mimics the whirling flow of water in natural watercourses. The physical characteristics of water are improved through micro-vortexing, which “loosen” and “de-densify” the water’s molecular structure. This increases the capability of dissolved oxygen suspension and reduces water surface tension. Existing harmful information is erased and the water moves into an elevated life-filled order. These flow conditions, based on nature models, are on the one hand creating a reduction of the water molecule clusters and thus deleting negative information, and on the other hand creating an energization and revitalization of water, by unlocking oxygen available in the water.

The VitaVortex with its delicate vortex-chamber-architecture provides a higher flow rate of water in the micro vortex range. By changing the vortex geometries the water tastes even finer and softer. The VitaVortex is a high performance module of class with a pleasing design.

Weight 2 lbs


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