MegaChar & MegaChar Plus

The MegaChar was produced because of a growing concern for the possible negative effects resulting from bathing in water that contains organic pollutants chlorine chloramines as well as a concern for breathing in the vapors while taking showers. The exposure from bathing in and breathing vapors of water containing pollutants could be in greater concentrations than acquired through drinking yet we must be aware of both drinking and washing water and giving each a high degree of importance.

MegaChar Product Manual

MegaChar – $2,750
MegaChar Plus with arsenic, lead, and fluoride removal – $4,485

Please contact us to place your order:  |  970-708-4826

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The MegaChar contains the finest granule-activated carbon available and can efficiently reduce organic contaminants. Because of varying levels of organics, as well as the probability of the presence of more than one, the life of the carbon bed is challenging to calculate. This is why we choose to use the soft and clean time valve to backwash the bed to prolong the ability to reach organics through the removal of sediments that can prevent organic absorption.


MegaChar Specifications

Dimensions: Pressure tank with valve assembly 10 inches diameter by 61 inches tall 93 pounds.

Bed depth: 1.5 cubic feet Granular Activated Carbon with 12 pounds of Red Flint Filter Gravel.

Valve & Bypass: Soft and Clean 5600 series. Customized 12-day timer. 110V or 220V.

Warranty: Valve – three years — Pressure tank – Lifetime. The MegaChar should be examined at the end of the year for effectiveness, then every six months until the bed needs replacing. The owner of a MegaChar is placed on a warranty list and will be reminded directly from the factory to be sure to make arrangements with a local Aqua theme dealer for inspection and service.

Application: Location for the immediate improvement of the aesthetics of water (color and odor). Ideal to combine with the soft and clean for removal of hardness whenever hard water is present the mega char type process is regarded as the best applicable technology by the US Environmental Protection Agency for the removal reduction of radon gas and certain volatile organics.


MegaChar, MegaChar Plus


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