Hyperbolic Cone Fountains

From Germany.

Nature knows no straight lines. All movements follow spiral curves and uniform courses, on a cosmic scale such as planetary movement. As well in the micro-cosmos like in the movement of a flowers growth. Water loses its quality of life when it is directed through a straight pipe under pressure or in a storage vessel that is square shape, where it unable to move due to the corners. It becomes stale, no longer refreshing, and no longer able to cleanse itself. As soon as it can flow freely again, it makes whirlpools and meanders. Everyone has had the chance to see the whirlpool in the bathtub, which is equally created by this inner impetus.

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Learn More about Hyperbolic Cones

In every naturally flowing stream, it is easy to see that the water cools itself down on stone after this whirlpooling action. The popular European saying goes: “Water is clean again after it has flowed over seven stones.”

While studying the form of whirlpool funnels, Walter Schauberger found a simple mathematical law, after which he manufactured this funnel. This hyperbolic form permits water to become full of life once again. It returns the vigor with rebuilding and invigorating energies like that of a natural stream.

The natural whirlpool movement gives water its original powers and returns its ability to clean itself. Moreover, harmful substances break down in the water as atmospheric oxygen and carbonic acid are absorbed easily into the water with this whirlpooling action.


•  Green and string algae are reduced to a natural amount
•  Clouding of water due to brown algae is reduced
•  The oxygen supply for fish improves dramatically
•  Irrigation: plants need approximately 30% less water and 40% less feeding


Hyperbolic cone fountains can be suspended over a body of water or permanently mounted with legs to the body of the cone. Also, floating installations are an option. It can be fed by a submersible pump running from a solar electric supply. During installation, it is important to ensure that there is sufficient space between the mouth of the funnel and the surface of the water so that a well-formed bell of water is discharged from the outflow of the funnel. The combination of a spiral pipe on the inflow to cone further increases the effectiveness of energization. Hyperbolic cone fountains have proven themselves extremely effective on toxic golf course ponds in Germany. In a short period of 2 months, out-of-control algae blooms receded, leaving the pond clear and lively, inviting for bird and aquatic life to flourish!

Made in Germany. Funnel soldered without tangential inlet, without pump, and without a tripod. Contact us for custom pieces.


Weight N/A
Available Dimensions

205 mm, 335 mm, 415 mm, 540 mm


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